Tag Archives: lukaszewski

Gaude Mater this Sunday

I’m very much looking forward to the conclusion of this year’s Gaude Mater Festival, which will happen this Sunday, May 8th, at Katedra św. Michała Archanioła i św. Floriana Męczennika. Dr. Łukaszewski’s choir, Musica Sacra, will perform a wonderful program of new sacred music, with many premieres, including one of my own. These are all part of the Pie Jesu Project, which has commissioned a number of choral pieces by various composers, all using the same traditional Latin text. If you are in the area, (get thee to an aeroplane, American friends!), I hope you can make the performance.

Bonus: Here’s a lovely photo from Dr. Łukaszewski’s studio concert on April 29th. Audio and video to come soon!

Aleksandra Klimczak, soprano; Lukasz Farcinkiewicz, piano