Tag Archives: live


An older piece of mine, but one near and dear to my heart, has been selected by fivebyfive for their upcoming concert on April 15th. I wrote its first iteration under my professor Marti Epstein as an exercise in minimalism and indeterminacy. After a few years, I came back to the piece, expanded it, and changed it to flexible instrumentation.

For this concert, I will add another part (from piano + 3 musicians to piano + 4) to accommodate fivebyfive’s ensemble size. The evolution and flexibility of this piece since its creation inspire me to keep open/flexible instrumentation in my arsenal. I’ve never had the piece performed by the same set of instruments more than once, and each performance brings something new to my ears. I look forward to hearing fivebyfive’s interpretation next month.

Below is a performance by the Central Michigan New Music Ensemble. For a perusal score, head over to MusicSpoke.

Concert at Ohio University

Late notice, but I just found out that my piece, “Ends on A”, for woodwind quartet and piano, will be performed by Ohio University’s New Music Ensemble tomorrow, April 5th. If you’re in the area, consider stopping by! Also on the program will be Terry Riley’s “In C”, which is a must-C. …Get it? …I’m sorry.

Info about the event is available here.

An earlier recording of “Ends on A”:

Pie Jesu-Related Things

I’m excited to announce that my recently-composed “Pie Jesu” for SSA will be programmed this October by Dulciana, a women’s chamber choir in Dublin, Ireland. This will be their second annual ♀ concert, featuring works by contemporary women composers from around the world. I plan to attend the concert (the incredible closeness of countries in Europe!), and I can’t wait to hear another choir’s take on the piece.

I’ve also just uploaded the premiere performance to SoundCloud, which you can listen to here.